A deluxe supplement detailing the Lunar Exalted for the Exalted 3rd Edition tabletop RPG
Latest Updates from Our Project:
August 2019 Update
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 09:14:02 PM
Hey there, Gatecrashers!
It's the end of August, and time for our month end update!
A bunch of time taken up by those Dragon-Blooded exalts lately (you know how they are!), but I can get back and focus on my Lunar friends now! Here's what's going on in the World of Creation...
From the frozen North to the burning South, and all directions in between, there are creatures that stalk Creation. Demons, spirits, monsters and even creatures who live alongside mankind are in every region.In this collection you will find new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the secrets of these denizens of Exalted 3rd Edition’s wondrous world.
Now available from our RedBubble store: The Realm Journals! These journals can be filled with your choice of lined, grid, or blank pages for you to fill with whatever your heart desires.
I mean, I guess you could use a Realm journal to write down your plans for destruction of the Realm itself, but that just seems odd. Or... maybe it's the last place anyone would look and the perfect place to hide your secret plans! Either way, the art is great!
- Crucible of Legends (Exalted Storyteller's Guide)
Second Draft:
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #1
- Across the Eight Directions
- Heirs to the Shogunate (Dragon-Blooded Companion)
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
In Art Direction:
- Lunars: Fangs At the Gate
Prepping POD Files:
- The Realm
REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)
- Exalted 3rd Edition Core Rules PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Songline Legend Runes PDF Bundle (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Backer T-shirt Link (Update #40, May 16, 2019)
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PDF
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PoD Coupon
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Deluxe Hardcover
- Many-Faced Strangers PDF
- Storyteller's Screen
- Cloth Map of Creation [LUNAR VERSION]
- Backer T-shirt Link
- Digital Wallpaper
- Lunars Novella
I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. As mentioned up top, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running or are about to launch).
Coming Soon...
You woke up… different. Someone changed you: on a slab, an operating table, an altar. By luck or by fate, you escaped. Hunted by your creators, they hold all the cards, and it seems they might recapture you. Except, what they don’t understand is they’ve stoked the fires of vengeance; what they did wasn’t right. What they don’t know is that now — you’re hunting them.
Deviant: The Renegades presents a game where the victims of experiments band together to bring down the monolithic organizations that twisted and warped them. Coming Soon to Kickstarter from Onyx Path.
July 2019 Update
over 5 years ago
– Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 11:07:55 AM
Greetings Gatecrashers,
It's the end of July, so time for our regularly scheduled month end summary update.
We're still in the early days, so lots of stuff going on behind the scenes that's all part of the process, but no big sweeping updates yet. So, keeping with our regular format...
Second Draft:
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #1
- Across the Eight Directions
- Heirs to the Shogunate
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
In Art Direction:
- Lunars: Fangs At the Gate
Now Available for Sale:
- The Realm
Shipping in August:
- Dragon-Blooded Screen
Yes, The Realm is now available for sale for Exalted 3rd Edition. A perfect book for a Lunar to learn more about the empire that must be crushed!!
From the chaos of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate’s collapse arose the Scarlet Empress, hero-tyrant and founder of the Realm.
In the centuries since her ascendancy, the Scarlet Realm has become Creation’s foremost imperial power. Kingdoms and city-states across Creation look toward the Blessed Isle at the world’s center and bow in submission to the authority of the Scarlet Throne, the might of the Imperial legions, and the doctrine of the Immaculate Order. The Great Houses of the Scarlet Dynasty, Dragon-Blooded descendants of the Empress, scheme against each other and vie for power. Now, the Empress is gone, and the Realmís future will be forged by the deeds of heroes.
The Realm expands on the history, politics, culture, law, and economics of Creation’s greatest and most terrible empire. It details the Realm’s governmental institutions: the Thousand Scales ministries, the Deliberative, the magistracy, and the All-Seeing Eye military, and its state religion, the Immaculate Order.
It also provides an in-depth look at the lands that make up the Realm, both its heart on the Blessed Isle, and its satrapies scattered across the world.
Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: The Realm for Exalted 3rd Edition!
Running July 22 to August 11, Indie Press Revolution is running a 50% off sale on deluxe edition material from Onyx Path, including Exalted 3rd Edition:
REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)
- Exalted 3rd Edition Core Rules PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Songline Legend Runes PDF Bundle (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Backer T-shirt Link (Update #40, May 16, 2019)
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PDF
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PoD Coupon
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Deluxe Hardcover
- Many-Faced Strangers PDF
- Storyteller's Screen
- Cloth Map of Creation [LUNAR VERSION]
- Backer T-shirt Link
- Digital Wallpaper
- Lunars Novella
I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. As mentioned up top, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running).
Speaking of which...
Gen Con 2019 Note
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 08:18:59 PM
Hello Gatecrashers,
I just wanted to throw a quick update out to let you know about Onyx Path and Gen Con 2019.
As you may have read in Onyx Path's recent Monday Meeting Notes blog, they won't have a booth in the Exhibit Hall this year. But that doesn't mean that Onyx Path won't be at the convention, or that you won't be able to pick up copies of your favorite games.
Instead, Onyx Path will be running seminars and game sessions, and leave the Exhibit Hall business to their sales partners - Studio 2 Publishing and Indie Press Revolution (IPR).
The Onyx Path team (Rich, Matt, Eddy, whoever else shows up...) will mostly be participating in the following panels during the convention:
Thursday 3pm – What’s Up With Onyx Path Publishing? panel (Rich Thomas version)
Friday 11am – What’s Up with Onyx Path Community Content? panel
Friday 3pm – Freelancing with Onyx Path Publishing? panel
Saturday 11am – What’s Up with Onyx Path Publishing? panel (Rich-less version)
In addition, there are some programmed game sessions in the Event Guide.
While most of the games are currently marked as sold out this close to the convention, it's always a good idea to double-check if you're really interested. There are sometimes drop outs if people aren't feeling well or are unable to show, and a handful of generic tickets can maybe get you slotted into a vacated chair.
Of course, there will likely be a ton of pick-up and casual games over the Best Four Days in Gaming, so keep your eyes open for anyone wearing a cool T-shirt! I'll be dressed just like my avatar (although it's a few years old now, so imagine with more white in the beard!) so feel free to say hello if you see me!
I'll be back with our regular month end update in 2 weeks!
June 2019 Update
over 5 years ago
– Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 01:32:30 PM
Hello Gatecrashers,
As the moon changes phases, I see it's time for our monthly update!
We're still in the early days, so lots of stuff going on behind the scenes that's all part of the process, but no big sweeping updates yet. So, keeping with our regular format...
First Draft:
- Exalted Essay Collection
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #2
- Exigents
- Crucible of Legends
- Many-Faced Strangers
Second Draft:
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #1
- Across the Eight Directions
- Heirs to the Shogunate
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
In Art Direction:
- Lunars: Fangs At the Gate
Prepping PDF/POD Files:
- The Realm
Production Process: At Press:
- Dragon-Blooded Screen
From the frozen North to the burning South, and all directions in between, there are creatures that stalk Creation. Demons, spirits, monsters and even creatures who live alongside mankind are in every region.
In this collection you will find new foes, encounter old enemies, and learn the secrets of these denizens ofExalted3rd Edition’s wondrous world.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://lunars-fangs-at-the-gate.backerkit.com
If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at https://lunars-fangs-at-the-gate.backerkit.com/faq
If you have any other questions or concerns, you can post them to the comments for this update, the comment section, or contact the team via the Contact Creator link on the kickstarter page and Rich will forward it to me.
REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)
- Exalted 3rd Edition Core Rules PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Songline Legend Runes PDF Bundle (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Backer T-shirt Link (Update #40, May 16, 2019)
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PDF
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PoD Coupon
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Deluxe Hardcover
- Many-Faced Strangers PDF
- Storyteller's Screen
- Cloth Map of Creation [LUNAR VERSION]
- Backer T-shirt Link
- Digital Wallpaper
- Lunars Novella
I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. As mentioned up top, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running).
May 2019 Update
over 5 years ago
– Wed, May 29, 2019 at 08:37:01 PM
Hello Gatecrashers,
It's the final week of May, and that means it's time for our month end status update!
As a reminder, many of these updates will show only incremental progress, but it's important to me that I keep you updated and we're all on the same page as we continue on our journey.
The format for these will likely remain pretty consistent as we move forward. I'll start big and broad - checking in on all Exalted projects on the go - and then work down to latest releases and then reward tracking for the Lunars: Fangs at the Gate kickstarter. And for the first while, I'll probably put a BackerKit reminder in there as well.
First Draft:
- Exalted Essay Collection
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #2
- Exigents
- Crucible of Legends
Second Draft:
- Dragon-Blooded Novella #1
- Across the Eight Directions
- Heirs to the Shogunate
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
In Art Direction:
- Lunars: Fangs At the Gate
Advance PDF Release:
- The Realm
Production Process: At Press:
- Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought Deluxe Hardcover
- Dragon-Blooded Screen
A couple of new titles in there since last month's update, including Exigents and Crucible of Legends! And The Realm released in Advance PDF, which means it's time for the Monthly Release Roundup!
Sometimes, when it rains in a Wyld-touched area in the Northern Threshold while the sun shines, chaos taints the clouds, turning a normal sun shower into a Wyld one. The altered rain burns where it lands, not with flame but with searing heat. The storm scorches crops and severely burns anyone caught in the deluge. Even after the skies clear, a secondary threat lurks in puddles of pooled light.
When a person or animal drinks of the liquid sunlight, their core catches ablaze. Light coruscates from every orifice as their body sizzles and steams. The false sunlight boils away their minds and personalities, until all that remains is the haloed husk — a being of pure radiance and raw instinct wrapped in its still-living flesh. Some people nickname these creatures “sun dogs,” as their most common forms in human settlements are those of beloved pets turned monstrous.
Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: The Realm.
From the chaos of the Dragon-Blooded Shogunate’s collapse arose the Scarlet Empress, hero-tyrant and founder of the Realm.
In the centuries since her ascendancy, the Scarlet Realm has become Creation’s foremost imperial power. Kingdoms and city-states across Creation look toward the Blessed Isle at the world’s center and bow in submission to the authority of the Scarlet Throne, the might of the Imperial legions, and the doctrine of the Immaculate Order. The Great Houses of the Scarlet Dynasty, Dragon-Blooded descendants of the Empress, scheme against each other and vie for power. Now, the Empress is gone, and the Realm’s future will be forged by the deeds of heroes.
The Realm expands on the history, politics, culture, law, and economics of Creation’s greatest and most terrible empire. It details the Realm’s governmental institutions: the Thousand Scales ministries, the Deliberative, the magistracy, and the All-Seeing Eye military, and its state religion, the Immaculate Order.
It also provides an in-depth look at the lands that make up the Realm, both its heart on the Blessed Isle, and its satrapies scattered across the world.
This is an ADVANCE PDF release. If you see any errata or issues with the product, please report them using THIS FORM - a corrected version will eventually be released and you'll be notified when your library is updated.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at https://lunars-fangs-at-the-gate.backerkit.com
If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at https://lunars-fangs-at-the-gate.backerkit.com/faq
If you have any other questions or concerns, you can post them to the comments for this update, the comment section, or contact the team via the Contact Creator link on the kickstarter page and Rich will forward it to me.
REWARD TRACKING - Completed Rewards (Sent to Backers)
- Exalted 3rd Edition Core Rules PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought PDF (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Songline Legend Runes PDF Bundle (Update #38, Apr 15, 2019)
- Backer T-shirt Link (Update #40, May 16, 2019)
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PDF
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate PoD Coupon
- Lunars: Fangs at the Gate Deluxe Hardcover
- Many-Faced Strangers PDF
- Storyteller's Screen
- Cloth Map of Creation [LUNAR VERSION]
- Backer T-shirt Link
- Digital Wallpaper
- Lunars Novella
I'll post our list of delivered and pending rewards with each update, so that we can track everything that's needed and keep on the same page. As mentioned up top, feel free to check out Onyx Path's Monday Meeting Notes posts (linked here) which will give you a weekly status report on ALL of the projects Onyx Path has on the go (you may see spoilers for my monthly updates, or see what other kickstarter campaigns are currently running).
Speaking of which...
Pirates of Pugmire is a chronicle sourcebook for both Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau. It’s usable in either game, or as part of a joint experience. Some highlights include:
* Two new species for players to enjoy: lizards and birds
* Six new callings, including two for dogs and two for cats
* Rules for building, sailing, and sinking ships
* A trove of new allies, enemies, and treasures
* Information on Waterdog Port and Port Matthew
* “Going on the Account” a chronicle of three new adventures, taking characters from 1st through 6th level